Cow Chip Biscuits

Ingrients & Directions

3 c Flour
6 ts Baking powder
3 tb Lard
1 ts Salt
1 tb Sugar
1 1/3 c Milk (or canned milk, cut to
-half-strength with water)
Cow chips (opt, depending
-on which way the wind is

Sift together all dry ingredients; cut in lard until flaky pieces
form; add milk to moisten mix until sticky; turn onto floured board;
pat gently until dough is 1/2″ thick; cut biscuits from dough; place
in large (18-20″) greased, warm Dutch oven (do not crowd); replace
cover of Dutch oven and place coals on top; bake approximately 20
minutes. Serve with honey or preserves or beans or chili. Makes
approximately 18 biscuits.

From Tuscon area newspapers, 1994, 3rd quarter, courtest Mike Orchekowski.

18 Servings

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