Kay’s Shortbread

Ingrients & Directions

1 c Butter 1 t Cornstarch
3/4 c Icing sugar 1 pn Baking powder
2 c All-purpose flour 1 pn Salt

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and icing sugar until light and
fluffy. Stir in flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt until very
smooth. Form into a firm ball. Place on lightly floured surface.
Lightly knead five or six times. Form level teaspoonfuls into small
balls. Place two inches apart on unbuttered baking sheet. With
fingertips or fork, gently press each ball to slightly flatten it. If
desired, place a cherry piece in the centre of each. Bake in oven at
325 degrees F for about 15 minutes or until edges are slightly golden
and firm to the touch. Cool. Makes five to six dozen. From The
Gazette, 90/12/12

6 servings

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