Grasshopper Cake

Ingrients & Directions

4 oz Unsweetened Chocolate;
1/2 c Boiling Water
1/4 c Sugar
2 1/4 c Cake Flour; sifted
1 1/2 c Sugar
3 ts Baking Powder
1 ts Salt
1/2 c Cooking Oil
7 Egg Yolks
3/4 c Cold Water
1 ts Vanilla
7 Egg Whites
1/2 ts Cream Of Tartar

1 tb Unflavored Gelatin
1/4 c Cold Water
1/3 c White Creme De Cacao
1/2 c Green Creme De Menthe
2 c Whipping Cream


Thoroughly blend melted chocolate, boiling water, and 1/4 cup sugar; cool.
In lge. bowl, sift together flour, 1 1/2 c sugar, baking powder, and salt.
Make a well in center o the dry ingreds. annd add oil, egg yolks, cold
water, and vanilla in the order given. Beat until very smooth. Stir the
chocolate mixture into the egg yolk mixture. In lge. mixer bowl, beat egg
whites with cream of tartar untill stiff peaks form. Pour chocolate batter
in thin stream over entire surface of egg whites gently folding in to
blend. Turn patter into an ungreased 10″ tube pan. Bake at 325? for 1 hour
& 5 min, or until cake tests done. Invert pan; cool thoroughly. Split cake
into 3 layers. Fill cake with Grasshopper Filling, and also spread the top
with the filling. (The sides shouldnot be frosted.)

Serves 14


Soften gelatin in the cold water. Heat together creme de cacao and creme de
menthe. Add softened gelatin; stir in until gelatin is dissolved. Cool.
Whip cream; fold in gelatin mixture. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

14 servings

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