Haddock Pancakes

Ingrients & Directions

170 g Smoked haddock
60 g Butter unsalted
30 g Flour
140 ml Single cream
140 ml Milk
2 tb Capers; chopped
2 Hard boiled eggs; chopped
Salt and pepper
30 g Fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 Lemon
Parsley; chopped
Fennel leaf; chopped

4 oz Plain sifted flour
2 lg Eggs
7 Floz milk
2 Floz double cream
2 tb Melted butter
Plus a little butter
-unsalted for cooking
1 tb Chopped parsley
1 tb Coriander; chopped
1 tb Celery leaves; chopped

For the haddock: Remove the skin and bones from the fish and flake the
flesh. Melt the butter in a heavy based pan and stir in the flour. Warm the
milk and cream together in a separate pan and gently add a little mixture
to the flour/butter mixture stirring continuously to make a roux, until all
the liquid has been used. Add the capers, eggs, fish and seasoning, then
add a little lemon juice, chopped parsley, chopped fennel leaf and the
breadcrumbs. Leave the mixture to cool and thicken.

For the pancakes: Place the sifted flour into a bowl and add the herbs, mix
thoroughly, then add the seasoning. Add the egg yolks, milk and cream,
whisk thoroughly ensuring not to create lumps, then add the melted butter.

Heat a pancake pan with a little butter, tip out any excessive amounts and
add some of the pancake mixture. Cook the pancakes turning after 1-2
minutes then place on to a plate ready for filling.

Fill pancakes with mixture and roll, then place into the oven to re-heat.
Serve with creme fraiche and keta salmon eggs. Top with a poached egg or a
deep fried boiled egg (sliced).

1 servings

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