Chicken And Leek Pie

Ingrients & Directions

6 oz Shortcrust pastry
Chicken; about 4 lb*
4 x Slices ham steak
4 x Large leeks;
md Onion
Salt and pepper
1 pn Ground mace or nutmeg
300 ml Chicken stock
125 ml Double cream

*Jointed, chopped and boned.

Make the pastry and leave it in a cold place to rest. Meanwhile prepare the

IN a deep 1 – 1 1/2 quart dish, place layers of the chicken, the ham, leeks
and onion or shallot, adding the mace, nutmeg and seasoning, then repeating
the layers until the dish is full. Add the stock, then dampen the edges of
the dish before rolling out the pastry to the required size. Place the
pastry over the pie and press the edges down well. Crimp them with a fork.
Make a small hole in the center. Roll out the scraps of pastry and form a
leaf or rosette for the top. Place this very lightly over the small hole.
Brush the pastry with milk, and bake at moderate heat, 350F, for 25-30
minutes. Cover the pastry with damp greaseproof paper when partially cooked
if the top seems to be getting too brown. Gently heat the

cream. When pie is cooked, remove from oven. Carefully lift off the rosette
and pour the cream in through the hole. Put back the rosette and serve.
(This pie forms a delicious soft jelly when cold.)

Yield: 4

1 Servings

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