Steak & Kidney Pie

Ingrients & Directions

1 Kidney, beef 2 tb Parsley; minced
4 tb Shortening 1 ts Rosemary
2 Onion; chopped 1 ts Oregano
2 lb Round steak; cubed ——–pastry——–
1 1/2 tb Worcester sauce 1 c Flour; + 2 t
1/2 ts Salt 1/4 ts Salt
1/2 ts Pepper 1/3 c Shortening
2 tb Butter; softened 2 tb ;water, cold
2 tb Flour

Wash the kidney, remove membranes and fat, and cut kidney in 1″
cubes. Cube the steak into 1″ cubes. Melt the shortening in a heavy
pot. Add the onions and cook, stirring often, until well browned. Add
the steak and kidneys. When the meat is browned on all sides, pour
on 2 cups of boiling water, Worcester, salt, and pepper. Cove and
cook over a very low heat for 1 1/2 hours, or until the steak is
tender. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Blend the butter with the flour to
make a beurre manie. Drop small pellets of this paste into the sauce
and stir to thicken it. Put meat and sauce into a deep pie plate and
sprinkle with parsley. If you wish to use a pastry topping, roll out
the dough and cover the pie plate. Slash the top, crimp the edges,
and bake about 30 minutes, or until well browned. Pastry: Mix the
flour and salt. Cut in the shortening with a pastry blender. Combine
lightly only until the mixture resembles coarse meal or very tine
peas; its texture will not be uniform but will contain crumbs and
small bits and pieces. Sprinkle water over the flour mixture, a
tablespoon at a time, and mix lightly with a fork, using only enough
water so that the pastry will hold together when pressed gently into
a ball.

— Fannie Farmer Cookbook

1 servings

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