Tourtiere (meat Pie) # 1*

Ingrients & Directions

1 3/4 c Pre-sifted all Purpose flour
2/3 ts Salt
2/3 c Shortening
6 tb Water

1 1/2 lb Minced pork
1 md Onion minced
1 cl Garlic minced
1 1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Thyme
1/2 ts Sage
1/2 ts Dry mustard
1/8 ts Cloves
1/2 c Potato cooking water
1 lg Potato,cooked and mashed

Directions for pastry; Prepare pastry and divide dough in half. Roll
out one portion to line bottom of a deep 9″ pie plate. Fill with meat
filling. Roll out remaining pastry for top crust cutting slits to
allow for steam to escape. Place over meat filling. Fold edge of top
pastry under edge of bottom pastry. Flute edge. Bake at 425 degrees
for 30 minutes. Yields 6 – 8 servings

Directions for filling; Mix all ingredients in a saucepan, except
potato. Bring to boiling point and allow to cook uncovered for 30
minutes. Add the mashed potato and mix, chill.

8 servings

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